CBC’s Paul Hunter tries too hard on climate change story

Consider the following clip by the CBC’s Paul Hunter which aired on the National broadcast on January 9th, 2007. (Watch for the “curb” comment and the criticism of the PM and the RCMP for idling the PM’s motorcade).

Mansbridge: “As Paul Hunter discovered today, Baird may have some work to do curbing his own colleagues.”

Hunter: “But is the government listening? Even as the environmentalists were saying that inside, just outside the Prime Minister’s motorcade sat idling. At 10:30 this morning, 11:30, 12:30 and beyond, just meters from his office door.”

Hunter failed to report on a few facts that, when revealed, hardly puts the PM in a negative light.

RCMP security protocol demands that the Prime Ministerial motorcade (ie. security detail) be ready to evacuate the Prime Minister at a moments notice.

The RCMP are not permitted inside the confines of the buildings of Parliament. If not meters (meters!) from the Prime Minister’s door, then where? 10 meters? On Wellington? In Gatineau?

What was the Prime Minister doing that day? Is his office newsworthy, or his cars?

Stephane Dion’s new limo is a Cadillac, not quite so environmentally friendly.

How many greenhouse gases are produced by coast-to-coast-to-coast broadcasting during idle times at the CBC? (ie. during the nightly test pattern and re- (and first-)runs of The Hour).

Does the CBC idle its satellite trucks?

UPDATE: Steve Janke asks some more good questions.

Senator Marjory LeBreton Interview

I was delighted to chat with Senator Marjory LeBreton the other day. I’ve heard from many people that Senator LeBreton is perhaps the nicest and most gracious person that one could ever meet in Ottawa and I’m happy to report that from our first meeting, that she is indeed deserving of those kind words.

Although it’s a great place to start, the senator cannot be summed in full by her kindness; LeBreton has an extensive list of achievements that sets the bar high for anyone in Ottawa’s political class. Lebreton is the leader of the government in the Senate of Canada and was recently appointed by Prime Minister Harper to take on the role of Secretary of State for Seniors. A close friend and confidante of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Senator Lebreton has also taken on the task of being a close and trusted adviser of Prime Minister Harper.

After the interview, she joked that what really clinched her full support of Stephen Harper was when she found out that he was a cat person.

“And you can blog that!”