Evolution of the PM’s website

The Prime Ministerial website is accessible at http://pm.gc.ca and besides the changing of the guard over the years (from Chretien to Martin to Harper), the website has not really changed that much and still remains quite simplistic in its presentation and web standards. Click each image to enlarge.

December 21, 1996

May 3rd, 1998

December 5th, 2000

December 15th, 2001

June 10th, 2004

February 6th, 2006

The current version of the website, which features our new Prime Minister Stephen Harper, is still quite antiquated by web standards. For example, the buttons on the left use simple javascript rollover functions instead of CSS.


Also, the website asks the user to submit their email address to subscribe for ’email updates’. Of course, email updates are still useful to many, however, enabling web 2.0 features on the website (especially RSS) would extend the website’s usefulness to many, many more users on a variety of platforms. Further, the Conservatives have been quite succesful in featuring podcasts on their main website at www.conservative.ca and on their youth-themed website at www.cpcenergy.ca. Mr. Harper’s speeches could be featured as audio or video podcasts on the PMO website.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper campaigned on a platform of changing the way government works for all Canadians. A new, refreshed and modern web presentation of the Prime Ministerial website could help signal the Conservative drive for renewal.

UPDATE: www.stephenharper.ca goes to the PM’s official website. Years ago, I remember hearing about a news story in which a reporter asked then Prime Minister Jean Chretien what he thought about not owning his own domain name (it was snapped up by a cybersquatter). Of course, Chretien didn’t have a clue what the reporter was talking about.

Harper: GST from 7% to 5%

harper-gst-cut.jpgA Conservative government under the leadership of Stephen Harper will reduce the GST from 7% to 6% immediately and then to 5% within five years.

This announcement generates a mixed reaction from me, but it’s mostly good.

First of all, small ‘c’ conservatives argue that we should be moving away from income taxes and towards consumption tax as taxing savings and wealth generation discourages investment. However, lowering consumption taxes encourages consumerism which will certainly stimulate the economy from everyday items such as newspapers to big-ticket items such as cars and homes.

While the latest announcement isn’t necessarily reflective of Mr. Harper’s masters degree in economics, he should be awarded a doctorate in politics. Today’s announcement will certainly get voters excited and has the added benefit of dragging the Liberals through the inevitable ‘but some critics say’ angle from the MSM. You see, some critics say that voters don’t trust politicians on GST promises, but then again, we’re talking about Liberals specifically. Remember the broken promise about eliminating the GST in the Red Book? Sheila Copps resigned over that Liberal broken promise.

“I’ve already said personally and very directly that if the GST is not abolished, I’ll resign. I don’t know how clear you can get. I think you’ve got to be accountable…and you have to deliver on it” — Sheila Copps, Globe and Mail, March 11, 1996

So, Stephen Harper gets to make a wildly popular announcement while skeptics can only cite a flaw by pointing out one of the biggest Liberal flip-flops in Canadian history.

Policy wise, is this a good move overall in the eyes of small ‘c’ conservatives? Well, the net reduction of taxes is a conservative ideal, so the reduction of the GST is a victory for small ‘c’ conservatives and the taxpayer. Will we move to a consumption based tax system in the future, eliminating income tax entirely? Perhaps that’s well off into the future, but for the present a 2% reduction in the GST will win the Conservative Party a lot of support.

Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation National Director John Williamson agrees,

“The idea of reducing the GST is just as valid as any other tax-reduction proposal we have seen to date. I think it is one that will prove to be popular with a lot of voters.” — John Williamson

Paul Martin had this to say about the GST in 1989:

“Mr. Speaker, the goods and services tax is a stupid, inept and incompetent tax.” — Paul Martin, November 28th 1989

And today, Mr. Martin had this to say:

“I don’t believe that is the path to follow … Canadians have been down this road before. They’ve heard this story.” — Paul Martin

Didn’t Paul Martin author the Liberal’s broken GST promise in the Red Book?

2004 Leadership race: fundraiser breakdown

The numbers are out on the fundraising front for the CPC 2004 leadership election. The documents have been released (h/t BBS) and there are some interesting numbers from the “returns” of the Harper, Stronach, and Clement campaigns.

First, the total expenses of each campaign:
Tony Clement: $826,807
Stephen Harper: $2,073,084
Belinda Stronach: $2,496,482

and now, some interesting numbers from the returns.

Belinda Stronach contributed $3,950,000 of her own money towards her own campaign. Tony Clement, while contributing $0 of his own money, $3,000 was contributed by his family. The Harper family (or at least people named Harper) contributed $3,525.

Power Corp donated $25,000 to each of the three campaigns. EnCana did the same.

John Tory donated to $8,600 to Tony Clement’s campaign.

Belinda Stronach gave $100,000 to Tony Clement’s campaign, while Stephen Harper’s campaign gave $10,000 to Mr. Clement’s leadership bid. Everyone loves Tony…

Stronach did not have any financial support from any member (on quick glance) of the Conservative caucus (House of Commons), while Harper enjoyed wide support through many MPs (or through MPs spouses).