Stephane Dion is the newly elected leader of the Liberal Party. People have been criticizing the work that the former Environment Minister has done for Kyoto while Dion himself boasts of his numerous accomplishments. I’ve looked into how Dion has been the steward of this issue, indeed his number one priority, and I should say that I agree with the bespeckled leader of the opposition. Stephane Dion is indeed the champion of Kyoto.
Top 10 things Stephane Dion has done for Kyoto
10) New leash for Kyoto’s birthday
9) Keeps Kyoto away from that nasty mongrel down the street named Katrina
8) Keeps Kyoto out of the sun for too long. Solar radiation can cause Kyoto confusion.
7) Refuses to stay in hotels that won’t recognize Kyoto
6) Takes Kyoto to the dog park to play with Harper’s dog “Clean Air” and Layton’s dog “Economy”. Sometimes Duceppe’s dog “Nation” shows up to play.
5) Takes Kyoto for the occasional run on the family treadmill dubbed the “Global Conveyor”
4) Will often take Kyoto on long car rides just so doggy can stick his head out the window
3) Keeps Kyoto’s coat short for hot summers
2) Taught Kyoto how to roll over
and the number one thing that Stephane Dion has done for Kyoto…
1) Lets Kyoto bury Liberal fossils in the back yard
UPDATE: Looks like MolarMauler joked around about Kyoto a few days ago too. Check out his post for more Kyoto fun.