The Prison Vote

Angry posted on this earlier today and commented upon how the prison population overwhelmingly votes Liberal and that we’ve been paying for their ‘inking’ program.

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Here we see a prisoner sporting a tattoo for his preferred party.

He is quoted as saying:

“We’re all voting Liberal because we all want to keep our vote, we don’t want to lose other rights, like maybe they (the Conservatives) are going to come in and we’re going to start losing our TVs other stuff like that.”

I hope that Elections Canada made sure that they took the necessary precautions and followed the law when this prisoner voted:

166. (1) No person shall (…) (b) while in a polling station, wear any emblem, flag, banner or other thing that indicates that the person supports or opposes any candidate or political party that is listed on the ballot under the name of a candidate, or the political or other opinions entertained, or supposed to be entertained, by the candidate or party; (…)

If a person was in violation of section 166, then section 497(7) should have been enforced:

Where a returning officer, deputy returning officer, central poll supervisor or person appointed under the Act believes on reasonable grounds that a person has contravened the Act, the officer, supervisor or appointed person may cause to be removed from, in the case of a returning officer, his or her office or, in the case of a deputy returning officer, central poll supervisor or appointed person, the polling station, any material that they believe on reasonable grounds was used in contravention of that paragraph.

I hope that Elections Canada made sure that the law wasn’t violated. I certainly have my suspicions.