Third LSS Podcast – Jan Narveson

Here’s the third podcast from Peter Jaworski’s Liberty Summer Seminar. This one’s quite academic as Jan Narveson, philosophy professor at the University of Waterloo and recipient of the Order of Canada, discusses liberty.

You can subscribe to the Blogging Tories podcast (instructions are here).

Or, if you want to download the MP3 file directly, you can do that too.

Second LSS Podcast – Ezra Levant talks about the Western Standard

Here’s another podcast from Peter Jaworski’s Liberty Summer Seminar series. In this podcast Ezra Levant talks about the Western Standard conservative newsmagazine and its foundation in the ideals of liberty.

This podcast was recorded and produced by Peter Jaworski and is hosted by me and is available on the Blogging Tories podcast feed.

It is preferable to download the podcast from the feed (instructions are here). However, if the technical details aren’t your thing, you can download the audio file directly.

Also, comments are welcome and encouraged!