Why political comms staffers exist

Today, a press release from the department of foreign affairs – received via email from dept:

Oops, the content of the press release didn’t seem to match the headline did it?

It is likely that two people with two different views wrote the release (one the headline, the other the body) stating what was supposed to be the position of DFAIT.

A corrected version was then sent out:

Good thing the error was caught.

A process story you’ll probably only hear about in the blogs…

KoryTV application form leaked

Kory Teneycke made news last week regarding his project to launch a “Fox News Canada” with the backing of Quebecor who owns Sun Media. News of reporters already being snatched up by Sun is circulating wildly and already includes David Akin and Brian Lilley as new recruits to the TV venture. We’ve obtained (no, not really) a copy of the application form that reporters, eager to work for the new network, are filling out to apply for work.

And unlike a lot of Ottawa reporting, the correct answer here isn’t all that nuanced.

Related topic: The Toronto Star and the Atkinson principles