Conservative ‘C’lan

Kate at SDA received a tip today about Anna Maria Tremonti’s show on CBC Radio this morning in which Tremonti refers to the Conservative family as ‘The Clan’. Doesn’t this represent a poor choice of words for an impartial radio host given that Joe Volpe was tossing around similar language last year in reference to the Conservative Party?

Judge for yourself…

CBC’s The Current talks about the Conservative ‘C’lan

I know that it’s likely that she didn’t mean it ‘that way’. But, since “clan” is such a loaded word in the modern lexicon (especially when it has been used as an immature ad hominem attack by the left against the right in the past), you’d think she’d be more mindful being a veteran of the media.

UPDATE: About half of you liked this post and half of you thought it was lame. I’m going to agree with the second half. This is indeed a lame post.