Election debate #1 – Submit questions

Blogging Tories and fans of Blogging Tories, the first leader’s debate has been scheduled for December 15th in Vancouver. There is one new feature that the networks are adding to the debate: viewer participation.

While there won’t be a live studio audience, the networks will be collecting questions from Canadians on a variety of topics. The best questions will be chosen by the networks and they’ll tape you asking your question for the leaders.

Questions can be to all leaders in a general sense or they can be focused to any candidate.

This is another example of how the Internet and blogging is connecting the electorate to their representatives.

So, Blogging Tories (and readers) I’m encouraging you to help further enhance participatory democracy by submitting your questions to the following email address:


Be sure to post your questions in the comments section below (if you like) and please encourage other Blogging Tories to do the same by linking to this post.