Gerry Nicholls blog

Gerry Nicholls, who heads up the National Citizens Coalition, emailed me yesterday to let me know about his new blog. Perhaps the article that I wrote for his group had an effect?

The National Citizens Coalition is a non-partisan organization that takes a conservative/libertarian stance on many issues ranging from free-speech to free-enterprise. The group used to be headed by Stephen Harper and now rests in Gerry’s capable hands.

I finally met Gerry at Peter Jaworski’s Liberty Summer Seminar where he gave a rousing speech about the defence of free-speech during elections (you can listen to Gerry’s speech here). The NCC has battled incumbent lawmakers (across the spectrum) for decades on gag laws during federal elections. Gerry and the NCC are important advocates for all Canadians.

Anyways, Gerry’s a good guy and it we’ve only recently started to cross paths and it now seems like this occurs on a semi-frequent basis. Plus, I hear Gerry gets invited to all of the best parties.

Go to Gerry’s blog and say hello.